Hey there, Alumnae!

There are so many ways for you to stay involved in Zeta Tau Alpha, from joining an alumnae chapter to writing letters of recommendation for potential new members of Theta Tau.



A letter of recommendation is a personal online submission written by an alumna to help support women who are entering into a specific sorority. Keep scrolling to learn how to send one to Theta Tau!

mock recruitment

Alumnae can foster relationships with our collegiate sisters by participating in mock recruitment workshops. During these mock recruitments, alumnae will act as “potential new members” and provide feedback to our recruiters. This helps us improve our recruitment skills and increases our members’ confidence during actual rush.

schedule a visit

We’d love for you to visit us in Chapel Hill! Our house is currently closed to non-residents due to COVID-19, but we hope to welcome you back soon!

green mile .jpg

Mock recruitment

Theta Tau would like to invite ZTA alumnae to participate in our mock recruitment round on Sunday, August 30th from 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST. All recruitment events, including mock recruitment, will be held virtually via Zoom. During this mock round, alumnae will act as “potential new members” to allow our members to practice for our upcoming virtual recruitment. To RVSP for the event, please complete the form below!

virtually send letters of recommendation:

  1. Log in to your SistersOnly account on the national website for Zeta Tau Alpha

  2. Scroll over to the “engage” tab and click “MIS Form”

  3. Click “Submit MIS Form” at the bottom of the page

  4. Click “+ create a reference for a potential new member”

  5. Fill it out and submit it to our chapter!

Letters of recommendation are not required for our chapter, but they are a great way to allow us to see the amazing qualities of each PNM.