our philanthropy


Zeta Tau Alpha’s national philanthropy is Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime, so this cause is personal to us. 

Breast cancer touches many lives. Through local and national partnerships, campus and community initiatives, and the distribution of millions of pink ribbons since 1992, ZTA collegiate and alumnae members are dedicated to our philanthropy. By spreading the message of Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, ZTA sisters are determined to diminish this disease.

national partners


Through the partnership of the ZTA Foundation with the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks, Bright Pink a non-profit focused on prevention and early detection), as well as the NFL, we are committed to fighting for a world without breast cancer! 

local partners & community service


Each Zeta Tau Alpha collegiate and alumnae chapter supports our national philanthropy, breast cancer education and awareness, and the ZTA Foundation. Each chapter also identifies opportunities to meet community needs through local service projects. 

Service is integral to the ZTA experience. The Creed of Zeta Tau Alpha asks members to “think in terms of all mankind and our service in the world.” Zetas serve their communities in a variety of ways, including volunteering in the Chapel Hill community, hosting our “Big Man on Campus” male beauty pageant, and organizing our annual Franklin 5k. These events seek to spread education and awareness as ZTA members distribute ribbons, breast self examination cards, and informational packets. Our philanthropy is well known throughout the UNC campus — pink ribbons adorn the backpacks of hundreds of students. Our sisters serve to make a positive difference.