Financial iNformation

There are costs associated with being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. National dues, local dues and fees are billed to all members each fall and spring semester they are a collegiate member. 

All membership billing is done using Billhighway ( All dues and semester fees are billed in three equal installments. The dues and semester fees are billed the first three months of the semester (Aug, Sep, Oct).  Member invoice notices are distributed to members via email on the 15th and are due by the 25th of each month. For new members who join in the fall semester, fees are billed in 3 equal monthly installments starting September 15th. 

Miscellaneous billings such as t-shirts or tickets are billed the 15th of the month the charge occurred and are optional to members in most cases. Potential New Members can find more information about our reduced dues during the recruitment process.

One time fees include: 

  • New member fee  $150

  • Initiation fees $150

  • House Reserve Fund $150

  • Badge Fee $65+

Each member will pay national fees which average about $250 per semester

Each member will pay local dues and chapter fees which include:

  • Chapter dues $437.40

  • Chapter composite (fall only) $20

  • Panhellenic Dues $12

  • Zeta Day (fall only) $40

  • Merchandise - sportswear $25

  • House Parlor Fee $340

  • Board out of house apt/dorm $1,284 (board includes 15 meals during the week)

  • Board out of house Granville $862  (board includes 15 meals during the week)

Living in the house:

  • House room rent $1,796

  • Board in house $1,666  (board includes 15 meals during the week)

  • Does not have to pay parlor fee